Hello boys and girls. SCOPE.GG team is with you and we are happy to show you what we have done in the last 2 weeks.
Overall, this update is more about simplifying your acquaintanceship with SCOPE.GG and small UI bugfixes. Ah, also, now SCOPE.GG fully supports Cache matches!
It's divided for two parts.
Improvements that we have already released
• Median Kill Time value now displays up to two decimal places.
Match review
• Сache matches are now fully supported at SCOPE.GG.
• Added two default competitive matches for users that have just signed up or who visit SCOPE.GG without signing up:
- Natus Vincere vs. ENCE / Mirage (IEM Katowice Major 2019 semi-final).
- FaZe Clan vs. Cloud9 / Inferno (ELEAGUE Major 2018 grand-final).

• Clutches: added links to corresponding replays.
Grenade Prediction
• Added wizard-helper with manual for each step.

• Fixed the bug with switching between modes.
Demo parsing
• Added number in the queue for demo-parsing.
Explanation: sometimes we experience high load at SCOPE.GG, usually it happens (obviously) in peak online hours.
With that feature, at least, you will know how long do you need to wait to get your demo parsed.
Alongside this, we want to mention that we keep working over solving the issue of high peak loads and we hope we will resolve it in the nearest month.
• Kill feed now disappears after 10 seconds.
• Knife hits are not displaying as bullet shots on the map.
• Fixed player models animation when the match is paused.
• Fixed bug with picking up the weapon (sometimes it still exists, but now it will happen not that often).
Improvements that will be released at the beginning of the next week
• Indicators of values to the rating charts will be added.
• Damage and K/D ratio difference heatmaps for each match will be added.
• For the next week we plan a couple of site-performance fixes. Statistical values of several users could change after implementing this feature (by now values might be slightly inaccurate).
Guys, we know the website is not perfect yet, but we constantly improve!
All feedback, suggestions & criticism is strongly appreciated.
Stay safe & tuned, your lovely SCOPE.GG team.
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