Danish CS is the best CS! CPH Flames took 1st place at BLAST Rising 2021 this year. Yeah, they played against the second line-ups, but still, it's a trophy.
Major Teams
Copenhagen Flames is the top 14 team in the HTLV rating at the moment. Everybody heard about their success during the European qualifiers for the Major. Here, we also have to notice that roej is the leader in his team according to Rating 2.0.
Comparative statistics of the whole team by multi-kill & survival rating. roej is the best by this parameter in CPH Flames.
Copenhagen Flames - Multikill & Survival RatingComparative statistics of all players for 2021. Copenhagen Flames won only 28.2% of their rounds after losing the first duel.
Copenhagen Flames - Players' Statsroej as the team’s leader deals the most damage per round. Only jabbi & HooXi have the negative DD stats.
Copenhagen Flames - Players' Damage Difference Per RoundIt’s not a surprise that the team’s sniper nicoodoz has the best first bullet accuracy. But he’s also the best in the first duels.
Copenhagen Flames - Players' Accuracy & Open Duels Win Percentage 2021zyphon never makes mistakes, at least with the armor replenish. His teammate nicoodoz has the worst stats here: he made 116 economy mistakes. That's $116,000 or 24 AWPs.
Copenhagen Flames - Funny StatsClick the link down below to check the full list of the Major teams and their stats in 2021 - https://blog.scope.gg/stats/
Major Teams