What new features does SCOPE.GG have to help you spice up your CS:GO experience? Let’s find out!
Steam-bot sends you game analysis after every game.
Now it’s not necessary for you to visit SCOPE.GG and wait for your game to analyze, you can just wait for a bot to send you the link on the already analyzed game and to the best of your highlights. It will also cheer you up after a bitter defeat. Add the new bot right now:
If you already have an account at SCOPE.GG, then click on the "ADD BOT" button on your account.
click button "add bot"If you're new SCOPE.GG user, then sign up and follow the instructions:
Enter your authentication code during registration and go to the next step.
Press the “Add on Steam” button on the notifications tab.Add the bot on Steam, play a game of CS:GO and wait for its message.Reworked Dashboard
where you can check your progress during the last 15 or 30 games.
Short review of the new Dashboard tab.a) added new statistical parameters: Rating 2.0, KAST, KPR, ADR;
b) added an option to compare your results to last period;
c) added an option to see your stats for last 15 or 30 games;
d) added “your in-game shape” graph, showing how your main parameters change over time;
e) added graphs comparing your parameters to those of players of all ranks;
f) added an option to check any parameter for T or CT side;
g) added new utility parameters related to grenade usage and comparison to other ranks;
h) added sniper/rifler role filter for all parameters.
i) added an option to check any players’ Steam page from his public SCOPE.GG profile.
Other changes on SCOPE.GG:
- Updated map for vertigo (added connector);
- Added an option to check your kills on 2d replay;
- Added an option to check your scoreboard separately for CT and T;
- You can now see a 2d replay for your clutch on Match review;
- WebGL being enabled isn’t required anymore for any of SCOPE.GG main features;
- Fixed a tactical board bug that cleared the board when typing;
- Fixed a bug that shown wrong kill count on replay;
- Fixed position heatmap on Dashboard;
- Added an option to share any particular highlight on Performance tab;
- Now “Maps played” tab on Dashboard filters the maps from most to least played;
- Added functionality for Ancient;
- Added Faceit levels to the scoreboard, it also shows map name, time and date of a game on the match scoreboard;
- Disabled animations in kill feed;
- Removed a button to launch CS GO from custom grenade prediction tab due to Valve disabling this function;
- Fixed the skull icon on clutch page;
- Fixed the skull icon bug on replay page;
- Minor fixes for match uploader: field for a link automatically clears itself, disabled an option to add empty links and matches that were just uploaded are shown without refreshing the page;
- You can now click uploaded matches ID and go directly to match review;
- New match demos appear on the match list right after its analysis.
The more you play, the more we’ll help you learn. Yours, SCOPE.GG