Communication in CS2 is the key to success. Here we go with a basic guide

Communication is not only about voicing information regarding the opponent's location, but also the ability to negotiate with teammates, to give information about what you're doing and what you plan to do; warnings about danger, suggestions for the round, and sometimes it's just the ability to silently watch your teammate play the clutch.

Basic information

Where's the opponent?

Information about the opponent's location is one of the first things your teammate wants to know from you. This information provides your team a strategic advantage. In order to give this information, you need to know callouts of the map well. At the pro-level, almost every corner has its own name.

How many opponents?

The next important detail is the number of opponents. The attack vector of your team may depend on this information. Also, it could give you an understanding of how many enemies are defending the site.

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What's the direction?

An important point is the transmission of information on the movement of the opponent. If you hear many opponents, then this information can save the round. So you can buy a few seconds of time.


  • Tell your teammates about the grenades that you throw, so that a sudden grenade does not interfere with your mate. And a better option: offer and ask if your teammate needs a flashbang or fumes. Grenades give away your position, but they also give away your opponent's position, so reporting enemy grenades is also important. Counting the deterrent grenades (smokes and molotovs) if you play for T-side will help you to choose the site you should execute.
  • Tell your teammates where you made the frag. So it will be easier for your team to navigate in the alignment of the opponent. Also, if you remember who and what position is playing and voice it to the team, it will greatly help.
  • From the start of the game, agree on the setups with which you will start the round. During the round, it is equally important to communicate and give calls for the next setups, tell the teammate what you want from him and warn about possible dangers.
  • Try to give accurate information about the number of enemies you have seen or heard. Tell the general information “All long” or "Five under B" only if you are absolutely sure. Do not invent additional opponents at your position, inaccurate information leads to excessive overstretching.
  • It is not necessary for you to tell teammates what to do during the clutch, it is confusing and distracting. There are many options for how to play a clutch. If you have really useful information, then say it and let your teammates finish the round calmly.
  • Try to communicate quickly and clearly: only important information, without unnecessary details that will not help your mates win the round. No need to tell a story in the middle of the round about how you were shot, blown up on a grenade and because of the dust from the explosion, you did not see the enemy sniper who jumped out from around the corner and killed you in a 360 jumpshot noscope.

Communication is indeed an integral part of the game, but arguments and disagreements during a match usually destroy the threads of interaction between teammates. So try to avoid conflict situations and stay positive!