Don't press this button! 3 players died in DH Masters Winter when they pressed the inspect weapon key

We've already established that professional players like to inspect their awesome knives and skins. For example, in IEM Beijing Online Europe the players on average pressed the inspect weapon key 6.22 times per round.

At SCOPE.GG one of the stats we track is how often players die after pressing the inspect weapon key, and that's what I want to talk about today.

Many professional players have a habit to switch their weapons and instantly press the inspect weapon key. In Dreamhack Masters Winter 2020 Europe 3 players died holding that hapless key.

Luka "emi" Vuković

After emi planted the bomb, he switched to a knife but... For what reason did he press the inspect key?

Dmitry "sh1ro" Sokolov

The same happened to sh1ro. He was about to retreat and drop down the carriage, but died when switching to a knife.

Anton "speed4k" Titov

The only indisputable death here is speed4k's.
He was blinded, shot with his AWP, pressed the inspect key and died.

But in general, such moves takes attention and if you inspect weapons too much – it doesn't help you at all.