Statistics is very important. In sports stats can help in performance analysis. Also, based on stats you can tell each player's strong and weak skills.
How to use CS:GO stats?
Well, stats in CS:GO can be used in the same way. But it might be harder, because different statistical values mean different things and sometimes they can not be compared. That's why we need to know where to look.
Some facts about stats in CS:GO:
- Not all CS:GO statistics values are actually useful and describe your real performance. You can use 50 different random stats and get nothing, or you can explore and implement only 5 values and all of them will be useful;
- Stats should be interpreted correctly. The same count of flashed enemies might mean different things for 2 different players;You need to compare players with similar skill levels. You might have the same numbers as s1mple, but you are a FACEIT level 5 player with the same opposition and he is playing against the best players in the world. That's why this comparison means nothing;
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Stats from CS:GO client
By itself, CS:GO shares some stats with us and it could describe your game in general. But those stats are not deep to get a full picture about your strong and weak sides.

Which statistical values do we have in the game?
- Kills, assists and deaths (K/A/D);
- Amount of money;
- Count of round Most Valuable Player awards (MVP);
- Total score (sum of all useful actions);
If you press mouse2 (RMB), then you could see a bit deeper stats:
- Headshot percentage (HS%);
- Kills-deaths ratio (K/D);
- Average damage per round (ADR);
- Utility damage (UD);
- Enemies flashed (EF);
- Score;

Those stats can describe your skill level and performance at the basic level, but you can not get the full picture out of this.
At SCOPE.GG we explore and create advanced stats that are applicable on any level of the game: from Silver 1 matchmaking rank to pros.
Usability of SCOPE.GG stats
The most important stats can be seen in our dashboard. Those stat values are counted from your last games. We also have graphics, which help us to provide stats in an easier way to understand.
We separate riflers and AWPers from each other. We did this, because their stats will be different no matter how good or bad they are. For example, a lot of snipers have lower ADR (even if this AWP player is one of the best and he compared against an average rifler) and higher K/D ratio. It is alright, because their roles are different, so stats are pretty much affected by it. SCOPE took that into account and made the comparison between riflers and AWPers separately. You can read more about the roles here.
SCOPE.GG dashboard contains everything you need: the most important stats can be found hereWhat do we have in our dashboard?
- Rating 2.0 - hltv uses the same rating. It is better than the classic K/D ratio, because it is more advanced and counts every impactful action. 1.00 and higher is a good rating, lower - bad.
- KAST rating – this parameter shows the percentage of rounds in which you either made a kill, assist, survived or were traded by your teammates.
- ADR - average damage per round. 75 or higher is decent.
- KPR - kills per round.
These parameters are the most important ones. Rating 2.0 and ADR can help us understand the impact easily. But why is 2.0 Rating better than the K/D ratio?
- Counts a lot of things (small, but important);
- Players who likes to bait will not have huge rating, because the kills they made are not making difference;
- It shows us the impact.
ADR is the important parameter, which is not shown for the players on FACEIT. Sometimes a player could have a bad K/D ratio, but his ADR might be high - it means that he was doing okay and made his impact. Frags are not everything and they are not the most important factor. Meanwhile ADR will show us how much damage did the player deal. 300 damage with 0 kills means much more than 2 kills, but 50 damage in case of impact.
You can see your performance on our graphics:
- Your in-game shape – we compare the previous 4 parameters with your average numbers.

- Mechanical shooting skills – you can choose the role between the AWP and rifle. For riflers we show Time to kill, accuracy, first bullet accuracy and headshot percentage. For AWPers we change time to kill and headshot percentage to damage time. The main feature is that you can compare your stats to average stats of players on a different level. For example, you can compare yourself to an average level 10 player on FACEIT. It might be helpful for you, because you will see which skills you need to improve.

- Grenade usage – we show all the parameters related to grenade usage: smokes per match, flash duration per enemy, utility damage and enemies damaged with HE per match. You can also compare your stats to other players. Also, we added a separation there, because rifler and AWPer nade usage will not be the same and we understand that.

You can see how you do on the T and CT side. It is also important, because a lot of players have different ratings on T and CT. It is normal, since every player has his own preferences and positions where he can get the best possible impact out of him.
In the bottom of our dashboard we have map and clutch stats. From there you can see which map you play the most and which one is the most successful one for you.
We know that not every single player is playing FACEIT, there are still a lot of guys who are playing matchmaking with friends etc. Well, our stats is working for matchmaking as well, you just need to choose Steam instead of FACEIT when you sign in.
Final thoughts
As you see, there are many various parameters that we use for now. Remember one thing - CS:GO is the game of situations and you can not blindly rely on numbers, you can not take them seriously unless you get into it as deeply as possible.
Statistics is something that helps a lot, but only if we use it correctly: without underestimating or overestimating it.
SCOPE will do everything to help you improve, to help you play better and understand your strong and weak sides.
Remember: nobody is perfect and there is always a field to improve.